Straight Climbs and Descents


For a given power setting and load condition, there is only one attitude

that will give the most efficient rate of climb. The airspeed and the climb

power setting that will determine this climb attitude are given in the

performance data found in your POH/AFM. Details of the technique for

entering a climb vary according to airspeed on entry and the type of climb

(constant airspeed or constant rate) desired. (Heading and trim control are

maintained as discussed under straight-and-level flight.)


To enter a constant-airspeed climb from cruising airspeed, raise the

miniature aircraft to the approximate nose-high indication for the

predetermined climb speed. The attitude will vary according to the type of

airplane you are flying. Apply light back-elevator pressure to initiate and

maintain the climb attitude. The pressures will vary as the airplane

decelerates. Power may be advanced to the climb power setting

simultaneously with the pitch change, or after the pitch change is

established and the airspeed approaches climb speed. If the transition from

level flight to climb is smooth, the vertical speed indicator will show an

immediate trend upward, continue to move slowly, then stop at a rate

appropriate to the stabilized airspeed and attitude. (Primary and

supporting instruments for the climb entry are shown in figure 5-25.)

(See attached file: 5-25 Climb entry for constant-airspeed climb.jpg)

Once the airplane stabilizes at a constant airspeed and attitude, the

airspeed indicator is primary for pitch and the heading indicator remains

primary for bank. [Figure 5-26] You will monitor the tachometer or manifold

pressure gauge as the primary power instrument to ensure the proper climb

power setting is being maintained. If the climb attitude is correct for the

power setting selected, the airspeed will stabilize at the desired speed.

If the airspeed is low or high, make an appropriate small pitch correction.

(See attached file: 5-26 Stabilized climb at constant airspeed.jpg)

To enter a constant-airspeed climb, first complete the airspeed reduction

from cruise airspeed to climb speed in straight-and-level flight. The climb

entry is then identical to entry from cruising airspeed, except that power

must be increased simultaneously to the climb setting as the pitch attitude

is increased. Climb entries on partial panel are more easily and accurately

controlled if you enter the maneuver from climbing speed.

The technique for entering a constant-rate climb is very similar to that

used for entry to a constant-airspeed climb from climb airspeed. As the

power is increased to the approximate setting for the desired rate,

simultaneously raise the miniature aircraft to the climbing attitude for

the desired airspeed and rate of climb. As the power is increased, the

airspeed indicator is primary for pitch control until the vertical speed

approaches the desired value. As the vertical-speed needle stabilizes, it

becomes primary for pitch control and the airspeed indicator becomes

primary for power control. [Figure 5-27]

(See attached file: 5-27 Stabilized climb at constant rate.jpg)

Pitch and power corrections must be promptly and closely coordinated. For

example, if the vertical speed is correct, but the airspeed is low, add

power. As the power is increased, the miniature aircraft must be lowered

slightly to maintain constant vertical speed. If the vertical speed is high

and the airspeed is low, lower the miniature aircraft slightly and note the

increase in airspeed to determine whether or not a power change is also

necessary. [Figure 5-28] Familiarity with the approximate power settings

helps to keep your pitch and power corrections at a minimum.

(See attached file: 5-28 Airspeed low and vertical high-reduce pitch.jpg)

Leveling Off

To level off from a climb and maintain an altitude, it is necessary to

start the level off before reaching the desired altitude. The amount of

lead varies with rate of climb and pilot technique. If your airplane is

climbing at 1,000 fpm, it will continue to climb at a decreasing rate

throughout the transition to level flight. An effective practice is to lead

the altitude by 10 percent of the vertical speed shown (500-fpm/ 50-foot

lead, 1,000 fpm/100-foot lead).

To level off at cruising airspeed, apply smooth, steady forward-elevator

pressure toward level-flight attitude for the speed desired. As the

attitude indicator shows the pitch change, the vertical-speed needle will

move slowly toward zero, the altimeter needle will move more slowly, and

the airspeed will show acceleration. [Figure 5-29] Once the altimeter,

attitude indicator, and vertical speed indicator show level flight,

constant changes in pitch and torque control will have to be made as the

airspeed increases. As the airspeed approaches cruising speed, reduce power

to the cruise setting. The amount of lead depends upon the rate of

acceleration of your airplane.

(See attached file: 5-29 Level-off at cruising speed.jpg)

To level off at climbing airspeed, lower the nose to the pitch attitude

appropriate to that airspeed in level flight. Power is simultaneously

reduced to the setting for that airspeed as the pitch attitude is lowered.

If your power reduction is at a rate proportionate to the pitch change, the

airspeed will remain constant.


A descent can be made at a variety of airspeeds and attitudes by reducing

power, adding drag, and lowering the nose to a predetermined attitude.

Sooner or later the airspeed will stabilize at a constant value. Meanwhile,

the only flight instrument providing a positive attitude reference, by

itself, is the attitude indicator. Without the attitude indicator (such as

during a partial-panel descent) the airspeed indicator, the altimeter, and

the vertical speed indicator will be showing varying rates of change until

the airplane decelerates to a constant airspeed at a constant attitude.

During the transition, changes in control pressure and trim, as well as

cross-check and interpretation, must be very accurate if you expect to

maintain positive control.


The following method for entering descents is effective either with or

without an attitude indicator. First, reduce airspeed to your selected

descent airspeed while maintaining straight-and-level flight, then make a

further reduction in power (to a predetermined setting). As the power is

adjusted, simultaneously lower the nose to maintain constant airspeed, and

trim off control pressures.

During a constant-airspeed descent, any deviation from the desired airspeed

calls for a pitch adjustment. For a constant rate descent, the entry is the

same, but the vertical-speed indicator is primary for pitch control (after

it stabilizes near the desired rate), and the airspeed indicator is primary

for power control. Pitch and power must be closely coordinated when

corrections are made, as they are in climbs. [Figure 5-30]

(See attached file: 5-30 Constant airspeed descent.jpg)

Leveling Off

The level off from a descent must be started before you reach the desired

altitude. The amount of lead depends upon the rate of descent and control

technique. With too little lead, you will tend to overshoot the selected

altitude unless your technique is rapid. Assuming a 500-fpm rate of

descent, lead the altitude by 100–150 feet for a level off at airspeed

higher than descending speed. At the lead point, add power to the

appropriate level-flight cruise setting. [Figure 5-31] Since the nose will

tend to rise as the airspeed increases, hold forward-elevator pressure to

maintain the vertical speed at the descending rate until approximately 50

feet above the altitude, then smoothly adjust the pitch attitude to the

level flight attitude for the airspeed selected.

(See attached file: 5-31 Level-off airspeed higher than descent


To level-off from a descent at descent airspeed, lead the desired altitude

by approximately 50 feet, simultaneously adjusting the pitch attitude to

level flight and adding power to a setting that will hold the airspeed

constant. [Figure 5-32] Trim off the control pressures and continue with

the normal straight-and-level flight cross-check.

(See attached file: 5-32 Level-off at descent airspeed.jpg)


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