A flying club friend (Samuli Pänttäjä) kindly offered a familiarization flight on his Dynaero MCR01. I flew with Pertti Husa (a flight instructor and friend).
The short story is that the plane is very interesting, it is very different from any other same category plane.
It is close to the maximum performance one can get out of Rotax 912 in tractor configuration without utilizing laminar flow over the fuselage (I don't mean only speed, but overall performance) - the climb rate, takeoff distance, climb speed, minimum speed, stall behavior and cruise speed at low altitude (IAS) and landing distance. This plane really rocks, it surely blows average Cessna-pilot away. Despite of the low horse power in the engine, this is maybe even more high performance aircraft than turbo Cirrus SR22 is with over 300 hp. This plane has 100 hp Rotax 912 with MT propeller hydraulic constant speed propeller. With Rotax 914 this...
The takeoff is very similar than on Cirrus SR22. Everything happens maybe even faster than with the Cirrus. The plane accelerates like a rocket, is airborne almost at the same moment, time to switch flap ups, trim the plane, reduce power and propeller speed all come very quickly.
The economy cruise speed (manifold pressure at 26, rpm at 4600) settled to about 250 km/h (135 kts IAS). We didn't try flying at altitude, I don't yet know how much TAS the plane collects at high altitude. At low altitude the cruise speed is anyhow about the same as on Cirrus SR20 leaned to best power setting. It really moves compared to Cessnas etc.
It also became apparent that the plane would cruise, with little more power, a lot faster. With a little pitch down causes the IAS to go over 300 km/h and it happens effortlessly and quickly. Watch out when pitching down or you will go over the VNe very quickly!
The plane takes of and lands to a very short distance. The approach speed is very low. The double slotted flaps are very effective and the plane can be flown insanely slowly. We did one approach at 80 km/h. On the other hand, in take off, the after the plane gets airborne and out of ground effect, the speed very quickly rises to 170 km/h (91 kts). Very comparable to Cirrus SR20. The big difference to Cirrus is that, on Dynaero, the climb angle is steep. It is going up like an elevator. Takeoff from very short runway is possible and it finely clears the obstacle with ease.
Feelings on landing pattern are quite similar than on SR22, one has to act quickly and not fall behind the aircraft. Pitch down, even on landing pattern, easily makes to plane go 300 km/h. If you are trying to be behind a Cessna that flies the pattern about 130 km/h, you are going to take over it, and very fast.
The "secret" of the plane is:
- very low empty weight
- very low cross sectional area
- small wetted area
- low cooling drag
- double slotted flaps (high Clmax)
- relatively high wing loading
Everything in the plane is made out of carbon fiber. Even rudder pedals are carbon fiber.
It is beneficial to have as low as possible empty weight, high Clmax, high wing loading and as great as possible power to weight ratio. This plane has those in better balance than other types I have flown to the date.
Some pictures:

Video of landing to EFHF at Youtube:
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