Jat modifies fleet plan

2 Boeing B737-700s for Jat
Jat Airways’ CEO, Srdjan Radovanović, has said that the airline will be receiving 2 new aircraft next year. Although it was originally planned for the airline to receive 1 Boeing B737-700 and 1 Boeing B737-400, the airline has now decided to receive another B737-700 instead of the -400 series. In June 2010, Jat’s lease of its sole Boeing B737-400 will expire. The airline intended to extend the lease but has now decided not to, opting instead for another Boeing B737-700. The -400 series aircraft will leave Jat’s fleet in April 2010. The first Boeing B737-700 will arrive in March 2010, in time for the 2010 summer season.

Speaking to the “Novosti” newspapers, Radovanović also outlined that 7 of the airline’s Boeing B737-300s will get new engines by next summer. Radovanović stated that Jat is not worried by the arrival of low cost airlines to Serbia, instead, established national carriers flying to Belgrade pose more of a threat. With flights from Belgrade, Skopje and Banja Luka, the CEO expects that some 1.5 million passengers will be carried by the airline in 2010 - 1.3 million from Belgrade, 200.000 from Skopje and 50.000 from Banja Luka. Radovanović also mentions that “Jat will be the only airline in the world to offer a complementary taxi service for all passengers with a return ticket to Belgrade”, and expressed his belief that the taxi service, which he estimates will set the airline back 3 million Euros, will attract more passengers. Jat will soon call on businesses to send in their offers, via a public tender, for free travel insurance that Jat’s passengers will receive when travelling to any country within the Schengen Zone.

Latest media reports suggest that the taxi service has been put on hold until further notice as 2 taxi companies have logged a complaint against tender procedures. Once a commission rules on whether the rights of the 2 taxi companies have been infringed, the airline will continue with its free taxi service plan.


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