Good news for Jat's passengers?

Jat Airways’ new management is determined at turning around the airline into a profitable, regional leader with strong support from its home base. In order for this to be accomplished a new strategy for Jat’s development will be presented in 7 days, firstly to the Serbian ministry for infrastructure and then to the Serbian people. According to Serbia’s infrastructure minister Milutin Mrkonjić, Jat’s CEO Srđan Radovanović will present short, medium and long term plans for the airline’s development. The minister once again made clear that the Serbian government will stand behind the national carrier. The new strategy will allow Radovanović to present his plans for the carrier for the first time since taking over as CEO. Jat’s previous CEO has been heavily demoted within the airline in the last 2 weeks.
Meanwhile, Radovanolvić has said that Macedonia’s non operational national carrier MAT Macedonian Airlines still owes Jat over 10 million American dollars. Jat’s workgroup which was set up to find out about MAT’s debt towards Jat noted that the Macedonian carrier has no assets that could become part of Jat and replace the current 10 million dollar debt. The issue could be solved next month when an important new aviation agreement is signed between Serbia and Macedonia. The aviation agreement was announced after the two countries signed landmark road and rail agreements yesterday. Macedonia’s transportation minister said that Macedonia’s sky is open to Jat. It is believed Jat might gain 5th freedom rights and operate flights from Skopje to various European cities.
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