Meanwhile, in an interview to the Serbian edition of the Economist Magazine, Jat’s CEO Srđan Radovcnović said, “A lot of money has been spent at Jat. The classification of jobs includes even a shepherd with a flock of sheep in the city of Vršac. The former reorganisation was carried out hastily and in a wrong manner. It couldn’t have been otherwise, since someone made show business instead of real business”. He continues, “In Vršac, where we have a pilot academy stretching on about 400 hectares of land, there is a flock of sheep. While I was analysing balance sheets, I saw an item named ‘biological assets’. I was astounded, and started wondering whether it was possible that someone at Jat had purchased parrots or aquariums. Then I was told that Jat also had a flock of sheep and that there was a shepherd position in the job classification”. However, in spite of all of this, Jat is a valuable company, according to Radovanović, since the liquidation value of its property amounts to at least 250 million Euros. Jat’s shares have already been listed at the Central Securities Registry, and formally everything is ready for the distribution of free shares to citizens. "It seems that an experiment was carried out with the Montenegrin market. We left it to Montenegro Airlines, and it is not quite clear why we did it, since due to large scale passenger interest we could almost have organized regular tram-car transport”, Radovanovic says. Radovanović also states that Jat pays some of the highest prices for kerosene in the world, the highest handling fees at its hub airport Belgrade and that a Nigerian airline as well as MAT Macedonian Airlines owes Jat a large sum of money.
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