The CEO of Dubrovnik Airline, Zeno Singer, says that the establishment of the new airline in Macedonia will only strengthen Dubrovnik Airline’s position in the region. The MD82s will be leased to Mont Air for the next 18 months and will leave Croatia by the end of January. Singer says that, as a result, Dubrovnik Airline will begin with its fleet renewal process. An Airbus A320 will enter the airline’s fleet in May, joining the existing fleet of 1 MD82 and 2 MD83s (excluding the 2 leased aircraft to Mont Air).
Little is known of Mont Air. Dubrovnik Airline will provide both the crew and technical support for the airline. It is believed that Mont Air is a mixed business venture between Dubrovnik Airline and Albanian businesses operating in Macedonia. Mont Air will first have to gain a license in order to begin operations.
So far, Mat Airways is also hoping to establish services from Macedonia in spring, while Aeromak, another start up hopeful was rejected by the Macedonian Civil Aviation Directorate.
Dubrovnik Airline ended 2009 with a 2.5 million Euro loss, blamed on the global financial crisis.
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