Double digit growth in September

14% increase, charters continue downward spiral
Jat Airways has managed to transport 105.582 passengers in September and report an increase of 14% in scheduled traffic. However, once again charters have been hit as the airline cut capacity by almost a half. Once they are included in the official statistic the growth in September only reached 4%.

The Serbian national carrier continued its notable comeback on the Montenegrin market with passenger numbers increasing by 39%. Since January, the airline has registered a 41% passenger increase on flights to and from Montenegro compared to last year. Euro-Mediterranean flights also saw growth with a passenger increase of 10%. The airline decreased its charter flight offering by 49%, naturally carrying 44% less passengers. In September, Jat’s average cabin load factor increased by 7%, reaching 65%. By the end of September, the airline carried 831.620 passengers in 2010.


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