Sarajevo Airport awaits EBRD loan

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is considering providing a loan of up to 25 million Euros to Sarajevo International Airport. The loan will finance an extension of the passenger terminal, together with the upgrade and expansion of the taxiway and apron. The investments are required to meet the growing passenger traffic at the airport. In addition, measures to enhance the participation of the private sector in the operations of Sarajevo Airport will be introduced. The EBRD has a long-standing relationship with Sarajevo Airport and has contributed to the creation of Sarajevo Airport as a limited liability company owned by the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As part of the current project, the Bank will support measures that increase the participation of the private sector in the airport’s operations through the outsourcing of selected activities to private companies. In addition, the Bank will assist the airport in increasing the share of non-aviation revenues such as duty free areas, catering, business lounges and car parks. Finally, the project will include support for the European Union’s Open Skies policy.
Sarajevo Airport is the largest airport in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was opened in 1969 and is served by 10 scheduled airlines. The total cost of the upgrade and expansion of the airport will amount to 31.9 million Euros.
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