Schedule Tiger Airlines flight from Singapore to Jakarta

tiger airways

Tiger Airways flight routes from Changi Airport, Singapore (SIN) to Soekarno - Hatta International Airport, Jakarta (CGK), there are four (4) times the flight. For Tiger Airways from Singapore (SIN) to Jakarta (JKT) using flight number TR 2274 and TR 2272

Singapore (SIN) - Jakarta (CGK)
Thursday: 8:10 SIN (Singapore time) - CGK 08:55 (Singapore time)
Thursday: 8:25 SIN (Singapore time) - CGK 19:10 (Singapore time)
Friday: 8:10 SIN (Singapore time) - CGK 08:55 (Singapore time)
Friday: 18:50 SIN (Singapore time) - CGK 19:35 (Singapore time)

Note: Dates and time of flight can change at any time so we encourage you to contact Tiger Airlines at your place or a ticket sales agent nearest to you.


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