Pilot JS & His Piper Cub

Pilot JS flies a Graupner Mini Piper from Hobby Lobby. He has flown for two years now (and as a kid, but was never good). On this particular day he had his best landing of career -- only using throttle -- flying to the ground. He now can do rolling takeoffs and landings very confidently. He can fly inverted with an extremely shallow dive out of a loop. He performs rolling touchdowns with ease. In the first two months of flying he destroyed his first plane -- too much stick! Because of this he has been able to save Pilot DS a lot of frustration, distress, and going home with broken airplanes. Pilot JS has purchased a Potensky Eagle EPP and is eager to learn aerobatics and very basic 3-D maneuvers this summer. He has also purchased a new Mini Piper and motor to replace his aging park flyer. The new paint job will be hot!


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