Readers might remember Krstevki for his hunt on MAT Macedonian Airlines and countless refusals to accept new airlines wishing to become national carriers. Last April, MAT Macedonian Airlines, threatened it would sue Krstevski for “countless lies about multi million Euro debt”. Back then MAT stated, “Krstevski has been driven to destroy MAT due to personal reasons and hidden motives. Macedonia is the only country in the world where its civil aviation authorities are against their own national carrier”. Later, the Agency put the nail in MAT’s coffin after it grounded its only aircraft for safety reasons.
Yesterday, Krstevski told the “Alfa” network that his resignation has come as a result of a new aviation law which requires the director of the Agency to be nominated through standard procedure, rather than being elected by the Government in power. The new director of the Agency has to be independent from any political party, according to the new law. Whether the new director will see inn a new national carrier remains to be seen.
The Agency’s final act, before Krstevski’s resignation, was awarding AirLift Service with scheduled flights.
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