There was a good selection of aerobatic aircraft present: Extra 300 ZK-XRA, Giles G 202 ZK-NUT, Pitts S 2 ZK-WIZ, Slingsby Firefly ZK-TXZ, Furio ZK-LLC, and also Zlin Z50LS ZK-ZSO and Piits S 1 ZK-EES. Unfortunately these last 2 did not compete as they were unserviceable.
ZK-XRA taxies past the judges, with ZK-ZSO in the foreground.
ZK-XRA with ZK-NUT and ZK-WIZ in the background.
The Pitts Model 12 did not take part in the competition but it did fly - spectacularly! I will do another post on this aircraft.
Finally, I met "eflyernz " who had come up from Hamilton for the day. He had a much flasher camera than I have, so I will leave him to post some more spectacular shots from the day (no pressure!).
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