Tens of thousands of daily visitors will have their chance to chase down the SLSA or kit plane or airshow performer (USAF Thunderbirds!) they've been dreaming of all winter - especially us winterbound types who are reacquainting ourselves with that bright, warm yellow thing in the sky.

Sun 'n Fun is the place we officially kick off the airshow season. It's a time to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. To see dozens of LSA side by side, sit in them, take demo flights and get a real feel for what's hot, and what's not, for you and your kind of flying.
I love Sun 'n fun. My inner airplane nut kid comes out to play here (just like he does at Sebring and Oshkosh).
Stay tuned for daily reports on the new stuff, newsy bits , new products, and who's saying what about the industry, the airplanes and the people driving it all forward.
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