Just kidding about the dutch roll, it's a play on an old movie:
With Six You Get Egg Roll, about complications that come with a
blended family.
But the "three" is legit, and refers to the three LSA
training centers operated by
Shawn Oaken in Florida.

blended family is called
Planes a
Amphibians) and is worthy of mention as an
LSA force in its own right.

FPNA, as the acronym implies,
imports, manufactures, sells and
teaches in land and water-launched SLSA, (floaty-foot
Capetown shown here) and also sells
floats, Experimental LSA kits and generally has a good time with
used aircraft, weight-shift
trikes and
powered parachutes. If you're looking to get your
land or
water wings, don't overlook this outfit: they have
three locations -
Clearwater, Sebastian and
Palm Harbor in addition to the HQ in
One -
Clearwater - is even a
FAA part 141-certified flight school with
SEVIS credentials (allows
foreign nationals to train in the U.S.) Students can go from Light Sport to ATP (Airline Transport Pilot)! Talk about one-stop shopping.
Check out their website: Shawn's a bright and enterprising guy who's got a lot of ways for you to have fun in the air, whether you launch from the tarmac or use duck feet to get your air.
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