When it comes to on time departures the 3 EX-YU carrier line up one after the other. Adria ranks 24th (with 74.4% of flights on time), Jat Airways 25th (with 74.3% of flights on time) and Croatia Airlines (26th with 71.2% of flights on time). TAROM Romanian Airlines is the best performer when it comes to on time departures, coming in at first position.
Regularity measures the percentage of planned flights which are actually operated. A flight may be cancelled due to bad weather, for technical reasons or other operational constraints. Any change in schedule up to 3 days before the planned day of operation is taken into consideration. Here, Adria Airways is an example to other carriers with 99.8% regular flights (ranked 4th). Jat Airways and Croatia Airlines are a distant 22nd (98.2%) and 25th (97.2%) respectively. Once again Romania’s TAROM comes in front when it comes to regularity with a spotless 100% record in 2008.
All of the data provided is for the months of January to December 2008.
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