The plane is a 4 seater Dyn Aero MCR 4S which is being built from a kitset by Peter Armstrong. I think this was one of 2 MCR 4S kitsets that arrived in July 2008, so progress has been good. The MCR 4S is a remarkable aircraft that can carry a payload of one and a half time sits own weight, and cruises at around 150mph.
The photo was taken at the recent Pilot Expo at Ardmore.
And the rebate is for the cords of the ballistic parachute that is fitted. The cords are laid in the rebate and are covered over by a flush cover that will blow away when the ballistic parachute is fired. At least that is my understanding!
I wonder how many other aircraft in Newe Zealand have ballistic recovery parachutes?
I understand that another MCR 01 is on its way to New Zealand in a container from France.
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