Less passengers in February 2009

Serbia’s Jat Airways, the only airline from the Former Yugoslavia publishing its passenger figures in 2009 has reported a 16% slump in passenger numbers in February when compared to last year. Jat transported 55.616 passengers, 129 tonnes of cargo and 53 tonnes of mail. When compared to February 2008, passenger numbers are down by 16%, cargo is down by 41% while transported mail saw an increase of 14%. The Cabin Load Factor (CLF) stood at 50%, down by 1%. There were also 37% less passengers this February to Jat’s most popular market – Montenegro. In the first two months of last year Jat transported a total of 120.617 passengers, 271 tonnes of cargo and 103 tonnes of mail. During the first two months of this year Jat has seen passenger numbers decrease by 18% (120.617 passangers so far this year), cargo has decreased by 32% (271 tonnes transported so far this year) and mail transport has increased by 7% (103 tonnes transported so far this year).
The airline managment explains that the negative results are due to the global financial crisis which has caused people to travel less. The airline is hoping that major international events which will take place in Belgrade in the summer will see a major passenger increase. The airline is placing its hopes on the months of May, July and September.
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